Hi! I'm Cody, host and creator of ADHD Quest. I have no idea what I'm doing, which is great because that sets me at the same pace as everyone else.
I created this website and was going to call it ADHD Journey but that was too many letters... Yes I'm serious.
It was created as a focal point for a podcast I decided to make after visiting a local ADHD support group. I always thought I had fairly good insights but with all the poor self assessment + awareness of poor self assessment I just thought "but probably not". It wasn't until some people genuinly reached out to me and wanted to hear more that I decided to make this as an outlet for various musings and ramblings of my own quest down the path of theorycrafting how my adhd works, what adhd really is, whats adhd and what's me?
Current site roadmap - https://trello.com/b/fs0jugHl/adhd-quest